Including the Park in your will

For future generations

De Hoge Veluwe National Park is the unique legacy of Anton and Helene Kröller-Müller. Your legacy, through your inheritance, could be a contribution to the preservation of this unique environment, which brings together nature, art, architecture and history. A contribution to a sustainable Park that we can confidently pass on to future generations.

How you can support the Park

There are two options: you can include the Park in your will as a beneficiary, or leave a bequest (a set amount). Both De Hoge Veluwe National Park Foundation and our support foundation, the Hoge Veluwe Fund, have been classified by the Dutch tax authorities as public benefit organisations (algemeen nut beogende instellingen). This means that they are exempt from Dutch inheritance tax.

What can you expect from us?

Please let us know if you have included De Hoge Veluwe National Park in your will so we can express our gratitude and keep you informed of current and future developments within the Park.

Would you like to know more?

We would be happy to meet with you to discuss any requirements you might have in greater detail. To make an appointment, please contact Marjon Lambooij at